Man -- I haven't been disappointed in myself during a workout for a long time. But this time I most definitely was. The workout was fairly straightforward:
4 rounds
15 pullups
18 wall balls (10 ft 14#)
21 kb swings (1 pood)
I wish I knew where things started to breakdown. Anyways, my forearms were screaming, I had dirt in my face from the wall balls that kept hitting the dirt and then on the 4th round, to top it off I landed really hard from dropping off the pullup bar and the balls of my feet are in major pain (was wearing VFFs). I felt that I couldn't get a rhythm. I felt I wasn't up to my potential. And with the pain coming from my feet, I basically gave up. Yep, I gave up. I don't do that very often. But I...gave...up. To everyone out there...never give up, it really isn't worth it....and you'll end up with a big D for disappointment floating around your head. Now off to ice my feet...
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6 years ago
Hey thanks for the tip, I will remember to tighten up the butt when I get to the top. Thanks also for the congrats, I am really excited and I am glad I can be around the gym more and help everyone. Especially you with your deadlifts and all. Well cant wait for your big birthday bash and I will see you soon.
Hey don't sweat in your terms "given up" it happens to everyone and it just makes you stronger as a person.