This week at Crossfit Omaha has been Benchmark WOD week. I have to tell you, it has been one hell of a week. And it isn't over with yet! I really like doing these benchmarks because it is easy to go back later on and do them again to see if you have improved. I like to improve. But then again, who doesn't? If you go through life without feeling a desire to improve - you are just a zombie. And not the cool, hip zombies either. You are a lazy zombie. Blah.
So today I am having a helluva time lifting my arms. And tonight I'll be doing either Fran (21-15-9 Thrusters #65 and pullups) or Karen (150 Wall Balls for time). Haven't decided on which will be the least painful. The workout that caused the pain was brutal. He kicked my ass. But then again -- heroes' wods should kick your ass. They should remind you of the people who serve and die for your freedom. Here's to you DT.
5 rounds for time of:
105 pound Dead-lift, 12 reps
105 pound Hang Power Clean, 9 reps
105 pound Push Jerk, 6 reps
Scaled this to 100 pounds. Time limit was 20 minutes. I was in the process of NOT locking out my last push jerk when time was called.
As many rounds in twenty minutes of:
5 Pull-ups - 10 Pushups - 15 Air Squats
Ended with 11 rounds + 10 pushups. This is a 1 + round improvement from the last time I did Cindy. AND I am sure that my pushups were legit this time. I think last time I even counted them if I fell to my knees. Not this time. LEGIT!
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Handstand Pushups
Ring Dips
Had 1 ab mat under my head for the HSPU. Also used a blue band on the first 21 ring dips (was the only band open) and then a tan band for the rest of the rounds. I think that I could drop to a purple on ring dips next time. That was the first time I did ring dips. Ever. So I was pretty cautious. Finished in 23:37.
Saturday 04/11/2009 was a fun team workout. Was a great day outside - so included running with a 14# wall ball. Really -- we must have looked like idiots. But how's that for FUNCTIONAL fitness???
50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds for time of:
Double Unders
This was embarrassing. 15:56. I suck at double unders. But I figured I won't get better at them if I keep subbing them out. I ended up getting NINE in a row the last 10. Maybe I am on my way to getting them down...
3 rounds for time:
400 meter run
21 Kettle Bell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
12 Pull-ups (garage pull-up bars will be used for this workout)
Bring on more benchmarks! I am ready for ya!
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6 years ago
I've had the same problem with double-unders.. But I have had all my big PR jumps in the middle of or at the end of WODs - something about the body's desperation to just GET IT OVER WITH already. :)