Well anyways, what I really wanted to say is that I have been doing this little experiment: drinking a lot of Guinness! I've told my friends that I am convinced that it is making me stronger. Or really, maybe that is just an excuse to have more of it! I actually think that Guinness is clearly placed on the right side of the Healthy/F-off Scale, and try to convince myself that it is placed higher on the healthy axis than it probably should be. No matter though, I have upped my Guinness intake for the past month and it seems to have paid off (see that squat workout below)! Got to love the scientific method.
3 Rounds for time of:
21 - 24 inch box jumps
15 - 14 lb wall ball
9 - 77 lb sumo deadlift high pull
Time: 11:41
Powerlifting squat day:
Worked up to 335 for 2 repetitions. Full gear. Felt AWESOME! Given that my one rep max at this weight is 347, I think I am gonna kill the squat at women's nationals. Must be all that Guinness.
Did good ol "Kylie L" (7 rounds: 7 burpees, 7 pullups, 7 box jumps). Finished in 11:16. I remember this one back in August and how much I hated it! I checked and back then I finished in 14:39...now thats a pretty decent improvement :)
Modified the Crossfit Omaha workout a bit...needed to go heavier in the deadlift since I am so close to Women's Nationals: 185# DL 5 reps20 Air SquatsStill did 5 rounds. Finished in 6:53. My back was screaming at me...I just screamed back.
Powerlifting: Bench and Deadlift. I found out that my bench shirt needs replacing because 220 (or was it 230?) felt like I wasn't getting any pop out of it. Took a look at the seams and it was time to thow that one away! Can't remember how deadlift was...
Powerlifting: Squat. I have no idea what I did that night...and don't have my book in front of me to record it here.
Powerlifting: Deadlift. Once again, can't remember.
CFO workout of 50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of: Box Jumps, 20 inch box ; Situps. Finished in 17:23 and I remember that night I finished last out of the group. That sucks. Box jumps and situps are both weaknesses of mine that I need to continue working on.
I think that I'm all caught up now on the workout posts...
I am sure Addi would agree with you about the strengthening attributes of Guinness. Especially since she likes to drink it like water.