As some of you know, I will be competeting in my 4th USAPL Women's Nationals on Sunday morning. One great thing about it? It is in MIAMI!!! Talk about a great location! Another awesome thing about it? I have a chance to place 2nd.
At first I thought -- ugh...pressure -- As usually my placing is around 5-6. This year though there is a huge drop in the amount of women competing, which makes my placing possibility higher. I will have to hit all of my lifts. My numbers will matter much more than they have any other year. Good thing I have Gregg Jones, master number-worker helping me out! But in the end, that pressure I felt after first seeing the roster has dissipated. Why? Well I figure that it truly is the same as any other competition I go to. I always put down my best. I always go 100%. And who knows? Maybe this tight competition will make me go 110%, 120%? Lets hope so...I am looking for some rockin PRs. More to come...
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