One week later and here I am posting the results. Oh well.
Miami was incredible. The competition went smoothly, the crowd was fun, most of my powerlifting buds were there...and I GOT SECOND PLACE! This, in and of itself, is a HUGE accomplishment for me. To give you an idea, I am usually placing much lower than that (last year I placed 6th). Due to a few key movements in weight classes, as well as decreased participation (most likely from the economy) I was looking, before the competition, to place second. However, Priscilla Ribic, world champion, who normally is in the 148lb weight class, moved up to the 165lb class. Now, if I was able to get all my lifts in, I could make a run at first place.
Squats: I ended up lifting a 330lb squat. My 3rd attempt I failed (347). I hate to say it, but I knew then and there I needed that squat to stay in the race. Donna Marts, my competition, is a really good bencher and decent deadlifter. I was pretty disappointed after that lift, because I did my classic "getting soft" in my midline when coming out of the hole. While my midline is MUCH stronger since I started crossfitting, it is still my weakness.
Bench: 226 lb personal record! Bench was soooooo smooth. I hit it right in the groove Check it out:
Deadlift: Got 330 lbs on my second attempt. That matches my personal record. But it was a heckauva lot easier than the last time. Went up like a rocket! My 3rd attempt, the coach wanted to drop me down, since Donna made her last deadlift and there was no chance for me to win, but he didn't get the attempt change turned in in time. So, I tried to pull 363. Yeah. 33lbs over my personal record. It was ugly. But hell, I got it off the floor before I started shaking like an egg beater!!! Here's that funny video:
So all in all, was a great day. I ended up pr'ing on my total by 10 pounds! And second place! I still can't get over it.
So what is next? I am taking a break from powerlifting for 3 months (at least) to concentrate on crossfitting full time. I think that this switch-up will help to strengthen some, if not all, of my weakness. Plus, I really want to see what that will do to my body composition. Hell, swimsuit season is coming up right? But seriously, I am thinking of traveling back to Miami is August for the North American/Pan-American Powerlifting Championships. Not sure about that though, so will keep ya posted.