Well...I made weight! 67.2 kg! And I had a GREAT day! Actually, the best day that I have ever had in the weight class, because I beat my total record by 5 lbs! Starting out with the squat: I opened at 303. Felt awesome, so 2nd attempt was...um forget. I don't even think I know what it was. I usually don't ask. But, I did get stuck a little in the middle, though kept on going and got a good lift. 3rd attempt was 347 - which matched my PR. It was also a grinder...but I stuck with it and got a good lift! Not bad for someone who thought 2 weeks ago that my squats were going to suck! Bench press went ok. I opened at 197. Got it-piece of cake. I went up to 220. That one I sunk it a bit in the chest, didn't stay tight like I should have, and on the lockout ended up struggling a bit on the lockout and the bar ended up dipping. Red lights. I didn't think it was that bad, so I told Steve to bump it up to 225. That would have been a PR and a state record. Well...it was a big "no go". Couldn't even get it off the chest much. Felt like either I was out of the groove, or just plain tired. Oh well. On to deadlift. Opened at 297 - got it. Bumped it to 325 on the 2nd attempt. Grinded that one out. Now...my Mom, who has had a phenomenal day, is my only competition. While I have her beat on the absolute total, she has a chance to beat me pound for pound with her wilks. I need to pull my last deadlift. 330, which is a match PR. I stuck with it...and got it! Nice! I have to tell you though...my Mom is an inspiration. She not only set 3 American records and 5 state records, but pulled a 369 lb. personal record (and american record) deadlift!!! The lady is 136 lbs...and if she doesn't mind me stating her age - 56 years old! She is amazing!!!
I really want to thank all my friends for coming out to watch me on Saturday -- it was amazing to have that many people there rooting for me! Crossfit Omaha, Shan & John and Brian --- YOU ROCK!
Good job Kelli and it was nice meeting you. I haven't been to an event like that before, but it was a lot of fun to watch. I certainely wouldn't mind going to another.