Every single one of them knows not only how to teach - but how to coach.
Every single one of them expects me to go all out every day. No excuses.
I'm truly lucky to train under you guys

Thank you.
Workouts (I'm really behind, so I won't post all of them):
Monday 3/30/09:
3 rounds for time of:
Tabata Burpees, 4 roundsTabata Situps, 4 roundsTabata Wall Ball,
4 rounds
Rest 1 minute
Total: 261
Saturday 3/28/09:
Team Hanging Grace
50 reps for time:
75 pound Hang Squat Clean and Jerk
Teammate: Bryce
Time: 7:40
Friday 3/27/09:
Box jumps 20 in
Deadlift 140#
Clapping pushups (hopping the first 21 and then to "on knees" clapping)
Time: 9:10
Thursday 3/26/09:
Wednesday 3/25/09:
Push press --- ended up with 118 x 2 for last "set" of three. I think we ended up doing close to 9 sets that day.
We are the truly lucky ones Kelli. We could not ask for better people like yourself at the gym. It makes it a pleasure to come in and coach everyday. You have been an inspiration to us all, and to see you push through workouts only reminds me to push just as hard. Thanks Kelli and I will see you soon.