Crossfit has been great lately. On Friday the WOD posted was backsquats! 5x5s! Now that is my kinda workout. I really had to adjust my form to the crossfit-style back squat, which took some time. At the last set of 5's I think that I finally started to perfect that form thanks to Kylie and Joe's cueing. You see, the way that I squat when I am powerlifting is completely different than that of the crossfit style. I am much more upright, with a more "oly weightlifting" style squat (i.e. chest up, hands in tight to shoulders, elbows driving in front of my body) when I powerlift. I ended up doing 187# for the last set of 5's. It was really light though. I felt that I needed to just work through the change in the form, and concentrate less on trying to max out. Next time around, with my form perfected, I'll go for the max out.
Last night was a different kind of monster. WOD was:
6 rounds for time of
15 DB powercleans (from the floor) (25# DB)
15 Wall Balls (14#)
200M run
Finished around 20:20...there was a time limit of 20 minutes on this one, so not sure of my final time, but Kylie said I came in about 20 seconds after time was called. My lungs were shot. Physically, the wall balls and powercleans were not so bad. I know one of my weaknesses is my lung capacity (stupid smoking for 12 years will do that to you) and this one really pushed me there. I did make sure to work at my highest intensity, which I feel really good about. If this workout would have come up when I first started crossfit it would have killed me. So kudos in that I almost finshed it! Next time around...I'll kill it. ;-)
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