3 rounds for time:
1000m row
80 slam balls
60 jump pull-ups
40 walking lunges
Brian and I were a team for this one and we ended up finishing 32:48. This one was intense -- well what CF WOD isn't? -- but there was a point were I was telling Brian "I am not doing very good...seriously I am not feeling well..." and I wasn't joking. I think that the transition row to slam balls there were a couple moments were I had tingles all over my body. And the jumping pull ups after that slam ball were brutal. Your arms were already jello and then you're supposed to jump and pull yourself up? Ha! Brian was a great teammate -- always pushing me and picking up some of my "slack" or rather my fatigue/failure! I'm pretty happy with how I performed...nothing like having a teammate who you don't want to let down...
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6 years ago
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